10 Worst Moments From WWE’s Best Performers

3. Finn Bálor's Bray Wyatt Feud

Finn Balor Bray Wyatt

Despite being one of the best pro wrestlers on the planet when the bell rings, Finn Bálor will probably never be a stellar talker with a mic in his hand. It's not the Irish accent that holds him back, but the complete lack of conviction he shows during promos; Finn talking tough just isn't believable when he's smiling like the world's nicest man.

In fairness to Bálor, he's rarely had much to work with verbally. Last year, his never-ending program with Bray Wyatt degenerated into a cartoony snorefest that flitted between "horrifying" stunts (the use of fake blood) and mortifying drama that wouldn't have looked out of place on the old Goosebumps TV series.

When Bálor was written to look scared of Bray dressing up as Sister Abigail, it was hard not to laugh.

A man who had produced a match of the year candidate at SummerSlam 2016 with Seth Rollins, and one who looked set to resume his brilliance after returning from injury, was reduced to hokey nonsense. Not even Bálor's' Demon guise could save the day, and that says a lot about how p*ss poor the angle was.

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Finn Balor
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.