10 Worst Reincarnations Of Legendary Wrestling Teams

9. NWO 2000

Legion Of Doom 2005

In late 1999, newly acquired head writer of WCW, Vince Russo, implemented what was to be his main angle going into the new millennium. That angle was the reformation of the New World Order as nWo 2000.

Consisting of Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, The Outsiders, and Scott Steiner, the group seemed like a badass bunch of guys on paper. What's more, Bret was WCW Champion, Jarrett held the US Title, while The Outsiders were also Tag Team Champions at the time, making the stable of champions virtually unstoppable.

Sadly, the entire plans centred around Bret being the focal point of the group - and his career-ending injury at the foot of Goldberg brought those plans to a screeching halt. Worse still, the storyline had barely even gotten off the ground when the severity of the injury came to light. The timing of Hart's removal couldn't have been worse.

Nevertheless, it did get worse when Goldberg himself seriously injured his arm punching out the window of an nWo limousine, putting him on the shelf for four months in the process. If that wasn't bad enough, even Jarrett went down injured shortly afterwards.

With both Hart and Goldberg out of action, the entire storyline was dealt a deadly blow that left a gaping hole in the story. The angle quickly disintegrated, and the nWo 2000 quietly bled to death in the background.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!