10 Worst TNA Matches Of All Time

9. Reverse Battle Royal - Bound For Glory 2007

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi9KP6aQmW4 This concept, which was conveniently invented during one of Vince Russo's stints as the company's creative chief, is one of the most ill thought-out in wrestling history. The reverse battle royal involves...wait for it...the competitors all fighting to get INTO the ring. Yes, TNA created a match largely consisting of 16 men brawling on the outside, trying to make an incredibly straightforward task seem very difficult. There's a lot of slow climbing up to the apron, pulling one another down off the turnbuckles, and so on. Once half of the 16 competitors have made their way bravely into the ring, they're tasked with throwing their remaining competitors back out again. As if this wasn't convoluted enough, the final two men compete in a straight singles match to determine the winner. It makes for a bizarre sequence of events, an idea which should never have been allowed to see the light of day. For the sake of convenience, we've chosen this edition from Bound For Glory 2007. Highlights include the long, long introduction of the rules, and the fact that the first man to accomplish such a difficult test of dexterity (getting into the ring) is Rikishi.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.