10 Worst Uses Of Face Paint In Wrestling
3. Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz
Vince McMahon: We need another sports gimmick.
Writer: How about baseball?
Vince: Good. But we can't just march out Steve in a uniform… Make his head a baseball.
Writer: Steve, we're gonna shave your head…
Steve Lombardi: Don't touch my hair.
Vince: Fine, it'll be a baseball with hair.
Writer: Why don't we paint those black bars under his eyes instead?
Vince: Who's the genius here? Baseball with hair.
“Knuckleball” was a doomed character to begin with, but the decision to paint his face like the very thing that gets smacked around during baseball games was the icing on the cake.
Furthermore, the red seams running down either side of his mug made him look more like a) a mime fresh out of radical plastic surgery, or b) a really racist Leatherface.