10 Worst Women’s Gimmicks In WWE History

9. Emmalina - Emmalina

Kat Tits_0

While WWE has been doing a fairly good job of consistently portraying its women as strong, believable characters, Emmalina serves as a reminder that we’re not quite out of the gimmick woods yet.

It’s been a rough ride for WWE’s first female Australian Superstar, who has already been repackaged as a mean-spirited, aviator-wearing jerk after her stint as a dancing party girl didn’t work out. Her heel gimmick was working well down in NXT, though, and fans were optimistic about her second run on the main roster when she re-debuted in 2016.

Injuries saw her sidelined for most of the year, however, until WWE began hyping her return and makeover from ‘Emma into Emmalina’. Video packages depicting a bronzed Emmalina sunbathing and posing for swimsuit photos started airing as early as October, although lingering injuries stopped her form debuting on the original date as advertised.

When Emmalina did finally re-debut, a preposterous four months later, the whole thing fell on deaf ears, and her revamp was canned within the same segment. Emma announced that we would now witness the makeover of ‘Emmalina into Emma’, thus making ‘Emmalina’ one of the most over-hyped yet short-lived gimmicks ever to befall a woman in WWE.

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The Kat
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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.