10 Worst Women’s Gimmicks In WWE History

8. The Kat (And Many More) - Stripper

Kat Tits_0

A lot of people still clamour for the Attitude Era to make a comeback, but a lot of its less well-remembered moments are better left in the past. The evening gown, bra and panties, and mud wrestling matches are plain embarrassing to watch in 2017, mostly because they don’t actually depict anything close to ‘wrestling’, arguably the most important ‘dubyah’ in WWE.

Vince’s company has a fairly storied history when it comes to wet t-shirt contests, lingerie competitions and displays of nudity. One of the most infamous exhibitionists of the Attitude Era was ‘The Kat’, who revealed her breasts to the entire WWE Universe at Armageddon 1999 after beating three other women for the Women’s Championship in a Four Corners Evening Gown Pool match.

It would be unfair to single The Kat out in this matter. Plenty of women have found themselves employed as eye candy for WWE, rather than athletes, and it was fans’ growing negativity towards the trope that played a big role in sparking the ‘Divas Revolution’ - so at least some good came out of it.

In this post: 
The Kat
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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.