10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

4. Matt Hardy vs Edge

This feud could have been electric. The real-life love triangle between Matt Hardy, Lita and Edge led to Matt's release from the company, inadvertently turning him into a huge babyface. Fans clamoured for his return for weeks, chanting his name at live events and protesting endlessly on internet messageboards. Hardy's inevitable return, and the subsequent feud between the pair, was an incredibly disappointing one. Equal blame must lay at the feet of the wrestlers and the bookers. Rather than grant Hardy a big feel-good victory over his foe, the booking team tipped the balance in the heel's favour (despite the fact that fans were desperate to see Edge gain his comeuppance). Matt's handling of the situation was similarly clumsy. He cut a strangely heelish promo upon his return, stating that he wished Edge would die in a car crash, before claiming that the whole thing was a shoot on his blog. The entire feud immediately lost its credibility and, as a result, momentum.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.