10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

5. The Set Collapses On Vince

In an attempt to create a shocking, sympathy-inducing moment for Vince McMahon, the WWE aired a 2008 segment where part of the Monday Night Raw set fell onto the owner. Faces and heels alike rushed to free the boss from the wreckage, and EMTs were eventually on the scene to carry him away on a stretcher. Rarely has such an overly-serious segment been so mercilessly mocked by the wrestling community. The unconvincing nature of the stunt - and Vince's pained use of Triple H's real name - were the target of much derision, and many a wrestling fan will still be reduced to laughter from the phrase "Paul, I can't feel my legs".
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.