10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

8. WrestleMania 25 - Triple H vs Orton Suffers From Burnout

A sad undertone of Triple H's career is his desperate search for his WrestleMania moment, a true watershed moment solidifying him as part of wrestling history's elite. Unfortunately for the Game, 'Mania crowds over the years simply haven't taken kindly to seeing him stand tall at the end of the show. His defeat of Randy Orton at WrestleMania 25 contained many traces of his victory over Jericho seven years previously, with the additional difficulty of trying to ignite a crowd seriously burned out from the epic 'Taker vs Michaels encounter shortly beforehand. Some believe an Orton win would have been the logical course of action, as - despite being a monster heel - the younger star had accrued a huge following during his feud with the McMahon family. Intense angles such as his RKOing of Stephanie in front of a handcuffed Triple H, as well as the Game's retaliatory home invasion, hinted at an explosive WrestleMania payoff. Unfortunately, that wasn't delivered.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.