10 Worst Wrestler Name Changes In WWE History

6. Thurman 'Sparky" Plugg

Nowadays, people criticise WWE for wanting most wrestlers to have 'real' sounding names, but younger fans should thank their lucky stars that they weren't around to witness the time period when the company wanted their wrestlers to have 'real' sounding jobs. Apparently, being a professional wrestler wasn't quite enough, and the guys and gals of the federation had to have an alternate career path. Enter Bob Holly, who would later become Hardcore Holly, a fine addition to the promotion's mid-card scene. Before all that, Holly portrayed the delightfully named Thurman 'Sparky' Plugg, a race car driver who had transitioned over into wrestling. Quite how this was supposed to excite fans into paying to see the man wrestle was never explained. Even if Vince McMahon and his team had really wanted a racer-turned-wrestler gimmick, why on earth did they choose the name 'Thurman'? It's perhaps one of the least-inspiring monikers any performer could have, and set Holly out on an auspicious start, one he had to work hard to recover from.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.