10 Worst Wrestling Gimmick Matches Of All Time

2. Brawl For All

The Brawl for All was a legitimate, shootfighting tournament which lasted for two months but caused long term damage for its competitors and the WWE. It is said the idea came about when JBL requested for a hardcore division in the company and Vince Russo (sorry again buddy) came up with this gem. Each match consisted of three €“ one minute rounds where points were accumulated based on punches landed and takedowns and there was a judge present to keep score. The matches received severe backlash from fans who chanted €˜boring€™ and €˜ we want wrestling€™. I bet the competitors did too as Steve Blackman and Hawk were left out of action for a while, Savio Vega aggrevated an arm injury which saw him never compete in WWE again and Brakkus sustained injuries which led to his retirement. Bart Gunn defeated Bradshaw in the final by KO and picked up the $75,000 prize money and was later fed to boxer Butterbean, some suggest was a punishement for defeating the fancied Steve Williams aka Dr Death. All in all, the gimmick was a disaster, caused injury, cost money and pissed a lot of fans off.
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