10 Worst Wrestling Gimmick Matches Of All Time

8. WCW Hardcore Junkyard Invitational

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xry0zu_hardcore-junkyard-invitational_sport In order to capitalise on the intense popularity of hardcore wrestling, WCW introduced the Hardcore Junkyard Invatational at Bash at the Beach 1999. The match was presented as unsanctioned and thus anyone could turn up to compete in the junkyard surrounded by a fence where victory was attained by climbing the fence and escaping. The match was not advertised for the PPV and consisted of mid-carders and jobbers so the audience did not really know or care what was going on. To top things off, the match was filmed at night and lit by an overhead helicopter to give it the feel and clarity of a live prison break scenario. In addition to that, several props were rigged to explode at different times. This was an expensive, complete waste of time and did nothing for anyone or the ratings except cost a lot of damn money to produce. Fit Finlay won the match and took the Hardcore Trophy home, something I€™m sure he€™s very proud of.
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