10 Worst Wrestling Gimmick Matches Of All Time

7. Last Rites Match

TNA are doing their best to keep up appearances on this list and the Last Rites Match is another example of them trying to copy WWE yet be unique at the same time. The Last Rites match debuted at Destination X 2007 and pitted Sting against Abyss in what was actually a fairly decent feud in all fairness. But this match was far from decent. In essence, this match was basically a casket match but the feud was presented as being so dark and demonic that only a ridiculous name such as the Last Rites Match could do it justice. Sting beat Abyss who was hoisted high above the ring in the casket, why we are not exactly sure. Oh yeah, the casket was now called a death-bed in the wacky world of TNA. Thankfully, this match never returned.
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TNA Sting
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