10 Worst Wrestling Names Ever

2. Beaver Cleavage

bastion booger

Better known as 'Headbanger Mosh', Charles Warrington had a decent level of success alongside his friend Glenn Ruth, who went under the name 'Headbanger Thrasher'. The pair even won the WWF Tag-Team Titles, and won the opening match at WrestleMania 13, but that would be the highest of highs for Warrington during his career with the company.

After Thrasher was laid out of action due to injury in 1999, the brain trust at Titan Towers had the idea to try Mosh as a singles star. Instead of keeping him under the same gimmick, they tried to switch things up, making him 'Beaver Cleavage', surely one of the worst names held by any professional wrestler in the history of the industry.

Several vignettes aired to hype up the character, filmed in a 1950's sitcom fashion. Mr. Cleavage was usually shown with a smile on his face, and later character developments would even see the guy make sexual innuendo statements towards an actress fans were supposed to believe was his mother. It's unclear exactly who this was designed to entertain, but it mercifully didn't last long.

'Beaver Cleavage', what an abhorrent name for any character, and it proved to be something Warrington couldn't recover from, even after he returned to playing the Mosh gimmick.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.