10 Worst WWE Draft Picks Ever

7. Drake Maverick

John Cena SmackDown WWE Draft
Twitter, @WWE205Live

2019 - 205 Live to SmackDown

The future was bright for WWE in 2019. SmackDown was about to debut on Fox, so a second draft of the year was held to give Fox executives the exact roster they wanted on their show.

The final 10 picks happened on The Bump, where a long list of wrestlers that have since been released were thrown onto either Raw or SmackDown. There was one exception that stood out for how bizarre it was: Drake Maverick. The multi-time 24/7 Champion was one of three drafted from 205 Live, which was even more surreal because he was the General Manager at the time.

Maverick had one match on SmackDown, before making his way to NXT. He'd still serve as General Manager of 205 Live, making his draft pick completely pointless. It's as if WWE knows content is required for lists like this one!

He'd be released in 2020, rehired later that year, then released again in 2021. It was a surreal time to be a wrestling fan, with numerous releases happening throughout COVID; Drake's heartfelt message to fans after he was fired is what got him back into the company.


When I'm not trying my hardest to visit all 50 U.S. states, I'm listening to music from the 80s, watching TV from the 90s, and reminiscing about growing up in the 00s. I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia so WWE premium live events are on Sunday afternoons for me; the absolute dream.