10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of 2015

7. Stupid-Looking Sheamus

When Sheamus returned from injury the day after Wrestlemania, the decision was made to turn him heel, and it ended up being a good move. Babyface Sheamus had gotten stale, and it was time for a repackaging. He got new theme music, a new attitude, and more drastically, a new haircut. Gone was the spiky red hair, replaced with an even spikier Mohawk, with the rest of his head shaved bald. His beard had grown out, long enough to be braided. The idea was to make him an intimidating looking Scottish warrior of old. When he returned the day after Wrestlemania and turned heel, attacking Dolph Ziggler, the post-Wrestlemania smark crowd wasn€™t having anything of it, chanting €œYou look stupid!€ at him. Unlike Bray Wyatt, who had successfully dodged having €œHusky Harris€ chants levied at him like they were the first night, the €œYou Look Stupid!€ chants have continued to dog Sheamus these past few months, draining credibility away from his ability to be a top-level heel in WWE. Of all the people who could have won Money in the Bank back in June, he was at the bottom of the list. It€™s going to be tough to imagine a stupid-looking WWE World Heavyweight Champion in Sheamus.
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Curtis Axel
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.