10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of 2015

6. Fat, Out Of Shape Bull Dempsey

Bull Dempsey started the year out as a monster heel who clashed with Baron Corbin in a €œBattle of the Bulls.€ After losing to Corbin, NXT took a weird route by tagging Bull with a gimmick where he would get winded, eat Doritos, and be ridiculed by other members of the roster both on camera and on social media. In a business where the boss (Vince McMahon) likes it when you look like you really could kick somebody€™s ass in real life, this gimmick was a kiss of death. Thankfully, the gimmick didn€™t last very long, and they tweaked it by having Bull be a fitness guru, pedaling his new workout mantra, €œBull-Fit,€ which is a clever wordplay on bullsh*t. It seems to be getting over pretty well, much better than actually portraying him as fat and out of shape.
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Curtis Axel
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.