10 Worst WWE Hardcore Champions Of All Time

3. Big Show

It's not that big guys can't be or shouldn't be Hardcore Champions (look at Kane and Bradshaw), it's just that they have to do more than throw stuff at people or throw people onto stuff. And Big Show could never quite wrap his head around that concept when he participated in no-holds-barred matches. And sometimes that was enough. (Someone has to be the one to choke slam a bitch through all of those tables, right?) But more often than not, Big Show wasn't a performer in a hardcore match so much as he was a prop. He was like a human forklift that was used when there wasn't a high enough surface for one of the lighter guys to jump off. Let Big Show lift em up and toss em down, then. Maybe have him do it onto a trashcan. That'll help. And he did an admirable job as a prop. But props don't deserve championships, even if the belt is pretty laughable to begin with.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.