10 Worst WWE Mistakes In 2018 (So Far)

1. Painting Roman Reigns As A Victim

Roman Reigns

Poor, overlooked Roman Reigns.

The vendetta affecting his natural progress in WWE comes from the top, and it's totally unfair that he received back-to-back title shots (after losing cleanly in the first) at WrestleMania and the Greatest Royal Rumble. That fact kinda' debunks his persecution complex, doesn't it?

WWE need to spot the flaw in this story and recognise that fans won't buy Roman, who has been pushed so heavily he's replaced John Cena as the promotion's poster boy, as a victim. People aren't thick: they know that Reigns is Vince McMahon's pride and joy at the moment, and that won't change no matter how many times he speaks of conspiracy.

All of this could be solved, and Reigns wouldn't even need to properly turn heel. If he was written to arrogantly gloat about how much money he's making and acknowledge he doesn't care if people dislike him, fans would have a reason to boo Roman other than because they're sick of him.

WWE are bashing their heads against a brick wall.


What other mistakes do you think WWE have made already in 2018? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.