10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Matches Ever

2. 1993 - Macho Man Tries To Pin Yokozuna?

Most longtime wrestling fans will tell you that the 1992 Royal Rumble match is the best ever. It has a wealth of headliner names, drama, excitement, suspense - it's the perfect Rumble match, in many respects. In 1993, the roster was A LOT different. Hulk Hogan, Sid, Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper, British Bulldog and others had left and WWE were left with a roster thin on legitimate main eventers. In an attempt to enhance the prestige of the Rumble, 1993 was the first year where the winner would go on to get a WWE Title shot at WrestleMania. The eclectic mix of wrestlers in the 93 match is truly baffling. There are tag teams like Natural Disasters, Nasty Boys, The Headshrinkers and Money Inc, along with failed gimmicks like Max Moon and The Berzerker. The most interesting names in the match were Mr Perfect and Ric Flair, who were amping up the intensity in their feud, which would culminate in a loser leaves town match the next night on RAW. We saw the debut of the furry beast, Giant Gonzalez, who appeared in his audacious costume (complete with drawn on muscles) to eliminate the Undertaker. In the end, it came down to newcomer Yokozuna and WWF legend Randy Savage. The prospect of the Macho Man challenging the new guard of Bret Hart and passing the torch was exciting but the WWF instead went with the weak top billing of Bret and Yokozuna. In one of the lamest finishing sequences ever, Savage attempts to pin Yokozuna after an elbow drop and the sumo man just hurls Randy up in the air, with Randy bumping himself over the top rope and onto the floor. It looked really, really amateur and was a bad end to a middling Rumble.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.