10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Matches Ever

1. 2015 - Roman Reigns Is Going To WrestleMania And Boy Does Everybody Hate It

You lovely readers might be wondering what makes the 2015 Rumble match the worst ever, and I can assure you, it has nothing to do with any personal dislike of Roman Reigns. The man behind the bullet proof vest has proven that he is great in big time matches and that when left to not say much, can portray a silent assassin that people actually want to root for. But the story of the 2015 bout is fascinating in that Roman was returning from injury to stake his claim for a title shot, with Daniel Bryan also recently returning from injury to throw his name in the hat and try to repeat his 2014 WrestleMania triumph. The first 30 minutes of this match were a lot of fun. Surprise returns from Bubba Ray Dudley and DDP got the crowd excited and an influx of fresh names dominated the scene in the ring with Bray Wyatt, Rusev, and in at number 10, Daniel Bryan interacting well and delivering engrossing action. Bryan would be unceremoniously eliminated by Bray Wyatt by just being shoved off of the apron, ending that fun streak. The fact that WWE brought Bryan back to be in the match and eliminated him in such a throwaway manner is astounding. That action ensured that Roman Reigns stood zero chance of the Philadelphia crowd getting behind him that night and boos did indeed fill the arena as the former Shield member entered the ring at number 19. Then, to make things ten million times worse, WWE resorted to the same old formula of Big Show and Kane teaming up, as they easily dispatched of Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler. Even a shocking return from The Rock tcouldn't even get the fans behind Roman. In their eyes, their hero had been crapped on, and this guy had been handed the keys to the kingdom through the laziness of Big Show and Kane conquering and an endorsement from The Great One that people simply didn't want to see. The 2015 Royal Rumble will go down in history as the night that the WWE chose to ignore fan wishes and hurt the career of Roman Reigns for months. As we look ahead to this Sunday's Rumble match in Orlando, Florida, I just hope WWE have learned their lesson from 2014 and 2015. Give the audience what they want - they deserve it. Let me below in the comments what you think are the worst Royal Rumble bouts. Is there one you think deserves to be in the list? Did we miss something glaring? Let me know!

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.