10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Winners Ever
8. Edge (2010)

Edge’s 2010 Royal Rumble victory was ultimately a stunt that meant nothing in the long run.
There weren’t many exciting options.
While WWE, in a rare departure from a crushing norm, actually used Triple H and Randy Orton to elevate new talents at WrestleMania XXVIII - Sheamus and Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Jr. respectively - nobody new was ready for the spot.
Instead, despite playing heel before suffering an achilles injury, Edge did the “star automatically returns as a babyface” bit ahead of a show-down with partner-cum-rival Chris Jericho.
This wasn’t the most successful comeback of its type; entering at #29, in a rushed sequence, Edge tossed out Cena after spending the least amount of time en route to victory up to that point (7:31). This didn’t scan as a heroic achievement - it was more consistent with his Ultimate Opportunist heel gimmick - and he clearly lacked match sharpness.
Edge’s babyface character didn’t improve much from there - his attempted call-and-response to get the Spear! Spear! Spear! over felt like a novice’s prelim gimmick on their first house show loop - and the resulting match was technically decent but long and bereft of heat.