10 Worst WWE Royal Rumble Winners Ever
6. Mr. McMahon (1999)
Vince McMahon is an evil, malevolent human being. That statement has no relevance to this list entry, but it wouldn’t get stated enough if it was stated twice a day.
The Mr. McMahon character had no business winning the Royal Rumble. Except he did, in 1999.
He was a stunt winner fitting for the time. It was a time not for prestige or climbing mountains to succeed, but for great whopping breasts and stupid plot twists that were retconned within weeks.
While the result “made sense” within the warped context of its era, it was still rubbish. Mr. McMahon winning the Rumble match only exposed that the roster depth was shocking and you’d have to endure yet another retread of the Steve Austin Vs. Undertaker feud within months. And, sure enough, you did. Even the Undertaker knew it sucked which is why he took on the American Badass persona a year later.
The experiment was cute, but unlike the extraordinary Over The Edge 1998, the wild, OTT TV-style booking did not translate well to PPV.
McMahon missing the entire match only to win at the end was telegraphed, and an hour of 1999 undercard acts carrying a pointless Rumble was as abysmal as you’d expect.