10 Worst WWE Storylines Of The Last 5 Years


Shane McMahon Crown Jewel

An invading group of aggressive newcomers is a rather tried-and-tested concept in the world of Sports Entertainment.

But a landscape-shifting debut on the same level as a Shield or Nexus was sadly nowhere to be seen on the night a certain RETRIBUTION decided to start vandalising WWE's Performance Center back in August 2020. The masked hoodlums were instead treated like little more than disgruntled, attention-seeking teens. And the entire thing was taken up a few more silly notches when the group were ultimately revealed to be a set of hilariously rebranded, terribly-masked one-time NXT faces.

Sure enough, the team comprised of the intimidating forces of Slapjack, T-Bar, Mace, Retaliation, and Reckoning didn't exactly dominate the show out of the gates. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Not even the reveal of Mustafa Ali acting as the group's unlikely leader could spark any genuine interest in a once-promising angle that ultimately led to the new faction being bested by everyone from The Hurt Business to The New Day.

By early 2021, the group had already ran its course and WWE mercifully moved on from this misfiring invasion.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...