10 Worst WWE SummerSlam Main Events Ever

10. Booker T vs. The Rock (2001)

Starting off with a controversial choice, Booker T vs. The Rock wasn't a bad match. In fact, both Booker and The Rock had good chemistry together, and created an enjoyable bout. The main event of SummerSlam 2001 is simply included on this list for one reason, it had a really dumb finish that did nothing to help the whole 'Invasion' angle. In many ways, there's an argument to be made that by the time SummerSlam came around, the WCW/ECW 'Invasion' of the WWF was dead in the water anyway. However, it certainly didn't help when The Rock defeated Booker T to become the WCW World Champion. How was this supposed to aid the idea that World Championship Wrestling was a threat to the WWF? It didn't, and along with some other matches on the card (DDP and Kanyon being decimated by The Undertaker and Kane, as one example) it really killed the whole 'Invasion' deal dead. Booker T was portrayed as someone who desperately needed the help of Shane McMahon to fend off The Rock, and the match itself - whilst fine - felt more like a TV main event than Pay-Per-View.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.