10 Worst WWE SummerSlam Main Events Ever

7. The Mega Powers vs. The Mega Bucks (1988)

Whilst the match had a big feel to it, the actual action in the main event of the inaugural SummerSlam Pay-Per-View was sorely lacking. By 1988, Andre The Giant was a shell of the performer he had been earlier in the decade, and the focus seemed to be more on the love-hate relationship between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. At SummerSlam '88, 'The Mega Powers' (Hogan and Savage) met 'The Mega Bucks' (Andre and 'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase). Fans were interested to see what might happen during the bumper headliner, but Andre's limitations and the underlying story between Hulk and 'Macho Man' overshadowed the event. Incredibly, in the first 4 SummerSlam shows, there were 3 tag-team main events. This wasn't the worst of them (more on that later), but people still couldn't shake the feeling that things should have been better. Savage and DiBiase were excellent, dynamic wrestlers, Hogan was a huge star and Andre had the intimidating size and history. Sadly, those elements didn't combine quite as well as they maybe should have.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.