10 Worst WWE SummerSlam Main Events Ever

6. Team WWE vs. The Nexus (2010)

Legendary announcer Jim Ross once remarked that it was "stupid" to see John Cena take a DDT on a concrete floor, then recover to win a match within just a few minutes. That one spot sums up a botched and rushed storyline, the saga of 'The Nexus'. Just a few short months after they'd exploded onto the scene in June, the group were cut off at the knees in the main event of SummerSlam 2010. 'Team WWE', comprising of Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, John Morrison, R-Truth and Daniel Bryan, faced Nexus at the event. Bryan had previously been a member of the renegade group, but had been released by WWE after choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with a tie and spitting on John Cena during an earlier angle. His involvement in this WWE squad therefore made little sense. As if that wasn't enough, The Nexus were forbidden from looking like killer heels during the bout. The match went over 35 minutes, which would have been fine had the heels been given ample time to dominate towards the end. Instead, John Cena made a cartoon-like comeback from the aforementioned DDT, and overcame the odds. Within just 2 months, WWE had killed The Nexus idea.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.