10 Worst WWE Summerslam Matches Ever

7. Summerslam 2010 - Team Nexus vs. Team WWE

Yet another case of the booking of the match completely overwhelming the actual work of the match, the main event of the 2010 edition of Summerslam featured the culmination of the storyline which had dominated the better part of the year: The Nexus. The Nexus seemed to be the big spark that WWE desperately needed. During a completely average Raw main event, every participant in Season One of NXT appeared at ringside sporting matching armbands. Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver, Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, and Daniel Bryan all appeared and began totally dismantling John Cena as well as the entire Raw set. Daniel Bryan was particularly awesome, beating the crap out of John Cena while screaming "You are not better than me!" in his face and choking out ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie. The Nexus beat up announcers, destroyed the ring, and sent Raw off of the air with silence. It was a great angle and fans went nuts over it, becoming legitimately excited for the first time in a long time. Then, it all went to Hell. First, Daniel Bryan was fired for his choking of Justin Roberts because one of those toy companies who sponsors TV-PG WWE might get upset and then John Cena got involved. Nexus ran roughshod over the WWE for a number of months, putting many superstars (and even Vince McMahon) on the shelf with their devastating finishers. The Nexus was a legitimate main event threat until Summerslam 2010. The main event featured the Nexus taking on a team of John Cena, John Morrison, Edge, R-Truth, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho and a returning babyface Daniel Bryan. Backstage, Edge and Chris Jericho argued for the Nexus to go over huge, defeating a huge team of WWE stars and thus becoming stars in their own right. Of course, John Cena disagreed. Cena lobbied to Vince McMahon to get the finish of the match changed so instead of Nexus going over huge, we got this: Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel are left against John Cena. Barrett hits a DDT on Cena on the concrete floor, which would have been the perfect ending that turned Nexus into super heels and gave Cena a reason to hate them. But, thanks to Cena's lobbying, Cena miraculously recovered, pinned both Gabriel and Barrett and stood tall because he's Super Cena and blah blah blah. The whole thing sucked.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.