10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Moments Ever

5. The Big Show Replaces Daniel Bryan (2013)

Big Show Authority Survivor Series 2013

The ascent of Daniel Bryan up the WWE ladder was not without hiccups. Fans were desperate to see Bryan, a wrestler they greatly respected, get his deserved place in the main event scene permanently. At SummerSlam 2013, it appeared that he was finally there, beating John Cena to become WWE Champion.

Rapidly, Triple H turned on him and paved the way for Randy Orton. Cashing in his 'Money In The Bank' briefcase on Bryan, Orton snatched the title. This was a cruel swerve for fans, but it would be worth the wait come WrestleMania XXX in 2014. There, Bryan defeated Triple H, then Orton and Batista to finally become WWE Champ again. Before that, he didn't even feature in the title picture at Survivor Series in November, as he was replaced by The Big Show.

Admittedly, Bryan and Orton did square off a number of times post-SummerSlam. Big Show's involvement as a babyface was supposed to sell the brutal nature of The Authority, but it didn't appeal to fans. The main event was a plodding affair, one that the heel - Orton - came out of as WWE Champion. The Big Show was a poor replacement for Bryan, who could have had a much better match with Randy. Even if fans had seen it multiple times before, a good repeat match is better than a rotten one.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.