10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Moments Ever

3. Vladimir Kozlov Stinks Up The Joint (2008)

In 2008, WWE were aching to make Vladimir Kozlov a main event star. When fans complain about the likes of Roman Reigns being pushed to the top of the card now, they should look back to when Kozlov was heavily featured on television. Basically, the big man just didn't get it, and he wasn't over with fans as a killer heel. Even so, he was booked in a lofty position at the 2009 Survivor Series.

At first, the bout was supposed to be a Triple Threat encounter also featuring Jeff Hardy. During the show, Jeff was attacked backstage, meaning he was unable to compete. Quickly, the proposed three-way was changed to a singles match between Triple H and Kozlov. Trying his best to carry the inadequate Kozlov, 'The Game' was clearly struggling. The action was dire, and fans couldn't believe what they were seeing.

As if sent by God himself, Edge was installed last minute, giving the match an exciting conclusion. Before he showed up however, Kozlov and Triple H were failing badly during their own clash. Afterwards, the idea of making Vladimir a main event star faded, as WWE realised they were trying to accomplish mission impossible.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.