10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Teammates Ever

6. Goldust For Team USA (1997)

The Montreal Screwjob is all that anybody talks about from the 1997 Survivor Series, but fans forget how poor Vader was also screwed by Goldust, meaning Team Canada was victorious over the US.

Goldust had just dumped his wife Marlena and decided to start dressing a little differently. He was still a part of Team USA but decided not to break a sweat for the entire match and as Doug Furnas pummeled Vader, Goldie just walked along the apron like he was waiting for the Number 7 bus.

At various times throughout the match, Vader would reach out his big paw for Goldust to tag in and get involved in the match but Rhodes would ignore him every time and avoid entering the match. Eventually, the Mastodon had had enough and hauled Goldust into the ring to force him to enter the match.

Goldie just threw his hands up and walked out, counting himself out and Vader ended up losing the match.

Walking out on your partner is a cardinal sin in wrestling and Goldust was pretty much the worst partner a guy could ask for. He didn€™t care about fighting for the US and had no intention of getting involved on behalf of his more patriotic teammates.

He€™s never been part of a team since, and considering this less than stellar performance, it's no wonder why.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.