10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Teammates Ever

5. Big Show For Team Cena (2014)

I€™ve had a strange relationship with the Big Show character dating back to his 1999 WWE debut. Him having huge black underwear and being called The Big Nasty made me uncomfortable, his storyline with Big Boss Man over his Dad€™s (imaginary) cancer made me wanna vomit, his 2005 Sumo Match at WrestleMania 21 put me off sex for five years...the list could go on.

However, what the he did to Team Cena at the 2014 Survivor Series was pretty much a criminal act. Jobs were on the line and Ryback and Ziggler were depending on John Cena and then it happened....his gigantic fist smashed Cena in the face and Big Show had joined The Authority. What a bastard.

Imagine me at home with my Big Show t-shirt, beanie hat and big fist foam finger and he just went and betrayed Big Match John. He betrayed ME. Shame on you, Big Show. Luckily for all of us, Sting had a feeling something was gonna go down, so he got a wee shuttle to the show, wrecked the joint, and made sure Team Cena were victorious.

That doesn't take away from the seriousness of Big Show's treachery, mind.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.