10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Teammates Ever

3. Diesel For The Teamsters (1994)

The rise of Big Daddy Cool in the WWF is pretty inspiring. In May 1993 he turns up as Shawn Michaels bodyguard, by January 94 he eliminates the most competitors in Rumble history and by the summer he held both the IC and Tag Team titles. The only issue bothering Diesel was the couple of times HBK inadvertently kicked him in the face. But the problems were put aside and the two future Hall of Famers were keen to be part of The Teamsters for Survivor Series.

It was all going swimmingly for them as they disposed of four members of Razor Ramon€™s team, leaving Razor all on his own at a 5 on 1 disadvantage. The Teamsters were sailing their way to victory when Diesel propped Razor up for Shawn to hit a superkick, but Ramon ducked and Big Daddy Cool got smacked in the face. Again.

Diesel could€™ve kept his cool but the 7 foot monster instead chased after HBK in a rage, with Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart and Jeff Jarrett following suit, resulting in everyone being counted out and Razor being declared the sole survivor.

Had Diesel kept his cool, it would have been an easy win for The Teamsters but this proved he doesn€™t play well with others and like the other superstars on this list, he would never be part of a Survivor Series team again.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.