10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Teammates Ever

4. Mr Perfect For Team Razor (1993)

I€™m sure you can guess the tone of this article by now (God I hope so), so while we know in reality that Curt Hennig€™s back injury played up which is why he wasn€™t at Survivor Series in 1993, I€™m going to take a look at the character of Mr. Perfect and his role as a terrible teammate.

Razor Ramon walked into the 1993 event with a talented and successful team of diverse wrestlers. He had the veteran knowledge of Mr. Perfect and the youth, quickness and agility of Marty Jannetty and The 1-2-3 Kid.

There was just one problem, which surfaced right as the match was about to kick off. The Perfect one no-showed the pay per-view. Razor got on the mic and buried his partner, but we never got an explanation about what happened and The Bad Guy brought out Randy Savage as the replacement.

While a lot of the wrestlers in this list have been pretty crappy partners, at least they showed up to the building. At least they had a physical presence. Mr Perfect let Razor Ramon down, he let his fans down, he let the WWF down, but more importantly, he let himself down.

I still love Mr. Perfect, though. I just wouldn't want to have him on my team.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.