10 Worst WWE World Champions Ever - Where Are They Now?

4. Jinder Mahal

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

Title: WWE Title

Length: 170 Days (21 May-7 November 2017).

Where He Is Now: Everyone knew this guy would be involved as soon as they clicked the list, but there's no getting away from the fact that Jinder Mahal is roundly considered one of the worst WWE Champions ever. He was a career midcarder who got into supreme physical shape and was rewarded with a sudden stab at the big time.

Fans were shook when Jinder pinned Randy Orton at Backlash 2017, and even more stunned that he held onto the top gold for 170 days. WWE finally threw the towel in on his title reign in November that year, and he'd never get close to the main event pack again.

Mahal has struggled to re-settle on the midcard ever since, and is currently the mouthpiece for Indus Sher (who haven't been doing much of anything on the main roster). Everybody would just like to forget that he was pushed to the top.

Another failed experiment here.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.