10 Worst WWE World Champions Ever - Where Are They Now?

5. Jack Swagger

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

Title: World Heavyweight Title

Length: 79 Days (2 April-20 June 2010).

Where He Is Now: Only real ones remember the glory of "Swagger's Soaring Eagle". Seriously though, WWE pushed promising blue chipper Jack Swagger to the mountaintop in 2010 without properly pausing to think about how he'd fare as champ. It was an experiment, and a failed one.

Swagger didn't have the mic skills to carry top feuds off as World Champion, and his matches were nothing to write home about either. This was definitely a case of too much, too soon, but it remains the peak portion of Jack's in-ring career in a major company.

Today, he's Chris Jericho's bodyguard in AEW and just sort of hangs around talking about how much he likes his hat. Or, at least, he did up until very recently. Jake Hager is called a key member of the Jericho Appreciation Society, but it's a background role at best.

Soaring Eagles > bucket hats.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.