10 Worst WWE Wrestlers Of 2021 (So Far)

2. Elias

Bayley Laughing

Who wants to walk with Elias? Nobody. Jog on, pal.

Jaxson Ryker was nearly here instead, but it's still early days for his singles run. Meanwhile, Elias has been knocking around for years without any sign of upwards mobility. He's been heel, he's been babyface, he's been heel, he's been babyface - you get the picture, and Elias is now heel again.

Elias' pre-match singsong interruption spots are terribly played out, his matches are average at best and WWE never seem sure what to do with him. Teaming the guy with Ryker reeked of sheer hope from the creative team that they'd make something good of the gig. When they didn't, Jax and Eli split for an undercard feud few give a rat's ass about.

Raw's resident songsmith was once somebody who seemed like a main eventer in waiting. Now, rather than mixing it with guys like John Cena and The Undertaker, Elias is fumbling around and failing to convince as a lower-card baddie.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.