10 Worst WWE Wrestlers Of 2021 (So Far)

3. Jeff Hardy

Bayley Laughing

It's rather sad to report that the once-exciting daredevil vibes of Jeff Hardy have evaporated. In their place stands a midcard legend who can barely buy a win - is this really how Hardy wants to do things for the rest of his active career? Sure, he'll be making good money, but come on.

He can offer way more than this.

This year, Jeff has done jobs for AJ Styles, Sheamus, The Miz, Jinder Mahal, Mustafa Ali, John Morrison and Veer (see the latest Main Event for that) on TV. In addition, his mini-feud with Cedric Alexander spewed up the old retirement chestnut for no good reason, and it didn't actually lead to anything of note.

There's a marked difference between enhancing younger talents by putting them over in proper, fleshed-out feuds and doing random jobs on Raw for the sake of it. Sadly, that's all WWE has in mind for Hardy at the moment, and it sucks.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.