10 Worst WWF 'New Generation' Gimmicks

5. Isaac Yankem D.D.S

Eventually, Glenn Jacobs would find fame and success as Kane in 1997. Before being tasked with playing The Undertaker's brother, the towering grappler was subjected to the very worst of the 'New Generation' in the WWF. For the purpose of furthering Jerry 'The King' Lawler's feud opposite Bret Hart, Jacobs was cast as Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Lawler reasoned that Yankem was his own personal dentist, with the main running gag being that the big man had rotten dental hygiene himself. This was typical of the WWF in 1995, which was a very dark year creatively. Historically, Jacobs would have been a monster heel, but he was hindered by an awful gimmick that had a very short shelf life. To his eternal credit, Jacobs did everything he could to make the character successful. It was not to be, because a wrestling dentist was just a little too corny for most people, even in the mid-90's. This was around the same time that Hart feuded with Jean-Pierre LaFitte, so it's clear to see that it wasn't exactly the most illustrious portion of his career. The hammy Yankem was largely gone from TV by Christmas.
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TL Hopper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.