10 Worst WWF 'New Generation' Gimmicks

3. 'Fake' Diesel And Razor Ramon

In hindsight, Vince McMahon must agree that it was a terrible idea to reprise the Razor Ramon and Diesel characters in late-1996. Both Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, the original men behind the gimmicks, had departed the WWF for WCW that Summer. Therefore, fans got majorly excited when heel announcer Jim Ross started crowing about the return of Razor and Diesel. The resultant 'comeback' was a major letdown for everyone involved. Some fans had - unrealistically - been expecting Hall and Nash to return to the WWF. In fairness to them, that's exactly what the company led them to believe. Instead of delivering this, the promotion hired Rick Bognar to play 'Razor' and Glenn Jacobs to portray 'Diesel'. Absolutely nobody was happy about this eventuality. The WWF played things as though it was the same men, which was insulting the fans. From the perspective of those sitting around ringside, this was the culmination of years of no creativity. The gimmick reprisal didn't last long at all, and was shelved by early-1997. Few were sad to see the back of it, because it briefly turned the WWF into a tribute show.
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TL Hopper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.