10 Worst WWF 'New Generation' Gimmicks

2. TL Hopper

Thus far on this list, there have been numerous examples of 'real job' gimmicks in the mid-90's WWF. Race car drivers, dentists and garbage men have all been featured. All of them failed to really attract new customers to the WWF product, but few can claim that they outright turned people away in disgust. That's exactly the impact TL Hopper had during his short stay in 1996. Introduced as a shoddy plumber, Hopper was a heel who routinely shoved his plunger into the face of opponents. At SummerSlam 1996, the character featured during backstage segments, dealing with an apparent turd at the bottom of an on-set swimming pool. The skit was played for laughs, but it's difficult to see who it was aimed at pleasing. The same could be said for TL Hopper's matches, which were often short, confusing affairs. Hopper's stained vest and butt crack were often focal points, which likely did nothing to inspire people to invest in the WWF product. TL Hopper was a terrible idea, definitely one of the worst that's ever been created. A heel plumber is ridiculous, but sums up what the 'New Generation' had to offer.
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TL Hopper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.