10 WrestleMania 31 Spoilers We Already Know

What's scheduled, what it means and how it will effect the show.

As fans, we tune into WrestleMania wanting and hoping to be surprised. What would WrestleMania be without a few surprises? Last year's show was helped immeasurably by the surprise appearances of The Rock and Steve Austin along with the shock defeat of The Undertaker at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Nobody saw that coming. This year we're certain to get one or two surprises. It can be hard to surprise fans in the internet age but WWE can still pull it out of the bag when it really matters. And never does it matter more than at WrestleMania. With a distinct lack of buzz around this year's event, many fans will be hoping that the WWE has a few tricks up their sleeve. Whilst we (hopefully) don't know everything that WWE has planned for WrestleMania 31, there are enough snippets of information available to produce a rough picture of how the show is going to unfold. The weird thing about this information is that it has had the effect of making people excited and also disappointed at the same time. Let's take a look at ten things sure to happen at 'Mania 31, how they will play out and what it means for WWE.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...