10 WrestleMania 31 Spoilers We Already Know

10. Triple H's Terminator Entrance

Triple H has a long history of epic 'Mania entrances. He had Motörhead play him to the ring at X-Seven and 21, did his best Thor impression at 22, was attacked by dry ice at XXIV and made a spectacular King of Kings arrival at XXX. When it comes to WrestleMania, Trips certainly knows how to make an instant impression. His winning entrance streak looks set to continue at WrestleMania 31. Triple H will be walking towards the ring for his first time battle with Sting accompanied by footage of WWE Hall of Fame inductee Arnold Schwarzenegger in the upcoming film Terminator: Genisys. Not only that, but latest reports suggest that HHH will get a 'full-blown Terminator entrance' and that we can expect to see him wearing a leather jacket similar to the one wore by Arnold in the original film. There will be other Terminator iconography incorporated into his look and possibly the appearance of a T-800 or two. Insert your own joke/comparison about WWE and Skynet here.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...