10 Wrestler Introductions You Don't Remember

6. Reggie - Sommelier

Kelly Kelly Trinity

During the pandemic era of WWE, Reggie has found himself as one of the mainstays of WWE television. He has transitioned from the love interest of Nia Jax into one of the constant figures in the 24/7 Title scene, winning the comedy belt four times. These were not his first storylines in WWE however, as he made his debut alongside Carmella, who herself had undergone a recent character overhaul. With the former Princess of Staten Island now 'Untouchable,' she was given a new wrinkle in her character in the form of a sommelier.

Introduced as Reginald Thomas, a wine expert with a French accent to boot, he wpuld be seen backstage during Carmella's quest to win the SmackDown Women's Championship from Sasha Banks. As is often the case, Reginald soon stepped through the curtain, making his in-ring debut against Banks, in a losing effort.

After being fired by Carmella, his name was shortened to Reggie, and his previous sommelier character was retconned. The former Cirque De Solei performer dropped his his French accent, saying he only became a sommelier in order to get his foot in the door of WWE, with no mention of his previous persona since.


Ryan Berglund, known to many as KendoStickMan on social media, was born in the bright lights of New York City. Being introduced to wrestling at a young age at Nassau Colliseum and Madison Square Garden, wrestling soon became a passion. You can find Ryan on Tik Tok, as well as every other social media platform @KendoStickMan