10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

1. Booger Red (The Undertaker)

Earlier in this article, The Undertaker's relatively short phase as 'Big Evil' was examined. In fairness to that particular nickname, at least it was around for well over a year, and a range of merchandise was even released bearing slogans relating to the name. The least-remembered Undertaker nickname didn't receive the same treatment. In fairness to the WWF's marketing department, perhaps they realised that nobody would want to wear a t-shirt with the words 'Booger Red' emblazoned across it. To most, the word 'booger' relates to snot coming out of the human nose, so it's hardly the most bad-ass of nicknames. That didn't stop Jim Ross from calling The Undertaker exactly that for a spell, shortly after WrestleMania X-8. According to Ross, the red part of the name was in reference to Undertaker's then-red hair shining through. A 'booger' is also apparently another name for a tough guy in Texas. This was never explained, hence the confusion and the fact that WWF officials told Ross to quit calling one of their top stars a booger. The name disappeared without a trace and hasn't been heard since. What other nicknames do you think may have been forgotten by fans? Do you remember any of the ones listed here? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.