10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

2. The King Of The World (Chris Jericho)

Even though the general idea was that Chris Jericho was a superstar for the new millennium, his 'Y2J' nickname has managed to stick around. Obviously, the name was a knock-off of the 'Y2K' term, which signified the year 2000. Back then, Y2J sounded hip and modern, so it's surprising that it's still around some 16 years later. Giving himself some other nicknames, Jericho was also known as 'The Ayatollah Of Rock N' Rolla'. Earlier in his career, he had been known as 'Lionheart'. All of these monikers had varying degrees of success, but at least most of them are remembered even today. By contrast, 'The King Of The World' hasn't been quite so well-remembered. For some fans reading this, it may even be news that Jericho used the nickname to begin with. At Survivor Series 2002, Jericho walked down to the ring for the first ever Elimination Chamber match. Instead of using his trademark music, Jericho used the Saliva-penned 'King Of My World', which was supposed to tie in with the new character. It didn't last, and the Canadian moved away from the name shortly afterwards.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.