10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

8. The Great White (Sheamus)

Most fans know Sheamus as 'The Celtic Warrior'. This is a nickname the big Irishman has used since bursting onto the WWE main roster in 2009. His look may have changed, but the guy still uses the moniker to this day. During his WWE career it hasn't been the only nickname that he's been handed, but others haven't quite been so memorable. Amongst other things, Sheamus has been known as 'The Irish Curse', something which hints at one of his signature moves. One of the most obscure and often-forgetten about nicknames happened when WWE were interested in making the man a top babyface. In 2011 and 2012, fans heard Michael Cole put a lot of emphasis on calling Sheamus, 'The Great White'. The idea was simple, and had to do with the man's milky, pale complexion. When he had made his debut, people couldn't ignore the fact that Sheamus was milk-bottle white in colour. This helped him stand out amongst the tanned masses on the roster, but building a nickname around the fact just wasn't going to work. The nickname didn't stick around for too long, before WWE simply reverted back to calling Sheamus 'The Celtic Warrior' again.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.