10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

7. Big Evil (The Undertaker)

The Undertaker must hold some kind of record for all the different nicknames he's held in the WWF/WWE. Joining the likes of 'The Deadman' and 'The Phenom' have been 'American Bad Ass' and even 'The Last Outlaw'. The latter was especially brief, used mainly when Undertaker emerged to a Johnny Cash track for a spell in 2013. By far one of the most overlooked nicknames from the man's career is 'Big Evil'. The name was given when 'Taker turned heel, battering Jim Ross on an episode of Monday Night Raw in early-2002. The premise was that he was now a rugged, ass-kicking kind of character, almost an extension of the babyface 'American Bad Ass' biker persona. The nickname was retired when The Undertaker went back to playing a more traditional version of his gimmick in 2004. Next to some of his other more illustrious handles, 'Big Evil' is one that has slipped the net somewhat. Not a lot of fans discuss it when looking back at Undertaker's career, and he's certainly not named as such when people talk about him today.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.