10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

6. The Brahma Bull (The Rock)

When pro wrestling fans think of The Rock, they immediately refer to him as 'The Great One' or the 'Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment'. Latterly, due to his successful career in Hollywood, this has been changed to 'In All Of Entertainment'. Something people forget is that Dwayne Johnson held other nicknames during his career in the WWF/WWE. When he burst onto the scene in 1997 as the poodle-haired Rocky Maivia, Vince McMahon on commentary would sometimes call Maivia 'The Rock'. Naturally, this is where his later moniker stemmed from, but it wouldn't be the only nickname to catch on. Following a successful heel run which allowed the man to find his feet as a character, The Rock turned babyface and started to be known as 'The People's Champion'. From there, Jim Ross also helped develop another nickname for the man, Due to the tattoo on his right arm, The Rock was dubbed 'The Brahma Bull'. Ross would mainly use this during the wrestler's in-ring comebacks, mainly to show that he was stampeding opponents like a bull might. Whenever The Rock appears today, it's far more likely that he'll use some of his other nicknames.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.