10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

4. Doctor Of Thuganomics (John Cena)

For years, a section of hardcore wrestling fans have yearned for John Cena to turn full-blown heel. The general consensus amongst these people is that Cena would feel fresh again if he started embracing his old rap gimmick, one which helped him gain a foothold in WWE to begin with. Others feel Cena is fine as he is, being cheered by some and booed by others. When Cena first started on the main WWE roster, he didn't have much of a gimmick. Instead, he was simply an aspiring rookie looking to make a splash. It wasn't until a chance segment during a Halloween-inspired episode of Smackdown in 2002 that Cena started to add some spice to his character. Morphing into a rapping guise, Cena became a hot new heel in the company. Referring to himself as the 'Doctor Of Thuganomics', Cena would often rap verses belittling his opponents. This helped the guy get over with fans, but not many seem to recall his days with the nickname. Cena's popularity increased quickly, and he turned into an anti-hero style of babyface, before becoming the more child-friendly character seen today. In the middle of all that, the 'Doctor Of Thuganomics' name was left behind.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.